Buy air tickets worldwide

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Our advantages
Unified search for low-cost airlines regular flights
Сonvenient search
Buy tickets around the world paying by credit card
Online support
24-hour technical support will answer all questions
How to buy tickets
For your convenience, we have prepared a video tutorial on how to buy plane tickets online.
Before flight
You can register on the airline's website online, at a self-service terminal or at the airport
Choose luggage type
Hand luggage can be taken on the plane, and checked baggage (check-in bag) is delivered at the airport.
Arrive on time
To catch a flight, you need to arrive at the airport before check-in, which begins 2 hours before departure.
Still have questions?
How to pay for a ticket
Payment for the ticket is made with a bank card
Do I need to print the received ticket
It is not necessary to print an e-ticket, it is enough to present a passport at the registration desk. But, due to the fact that many airlines charge for printing boarding passes at check-in counters, we recommend printing the ticket yourself in advance. Also, you can print a ticket at the airport if your airline is represented in self-service terminals.
Where to find a paid ticket
After payment tickets are stored in your personal account on the site.
Flight with transfers
Depending on the conditions of the transfer, you definitely need to know whether you need a transit visa, whether the baggage is being checked in at the destination or to the transfer point, whether you will leave the airport or not. All this information can be found before buying a ticket on the airline's website.
Flight with children
When buying a children's ticket, select the category of child: baby (0-2 years old), child (2-11 years old). More information about the rules for transporting children can be found on the airline's website. To cross the border with a child, be sure to read the rules of the host country.
How to return a ticket
You can return the ticket in the Avia section in your personal account.
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October, 31
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